
Friday, June 24, 2011

Introduction To Prevent Your Divorce

The statistics are frightening, aren't they? It's said that every 1 out of 2 marriages ends in divorce.  So when you feel your relationship start to break apart, and you're still very much in love with your spouse, you'd do just about anything to put things back together - and get back to that place you once were. In love, committed, excited about the future.

Do you know why so many marriages are doomed for failure? Because of a disconnect in communication.  We simply stop talking, stop trying and we fail to really recognize what's important to our spouse. 

We focus on ourselves - what we need, what makes us happy, where we want to go in life.

But marriage is apartnership, and in order to build a union based on strength and devotion, we need to look at our relationship as one team.  

Your spouse should be your alley in life, your best friend, your confidant, and there should be no other person you can turn to, talk to and share your heart with.

On the flip side of the coin, regardless of how many marriages end in divorce, if you are truly committed to saving yours, there are steps you can take to put your marriage back on track and restore the love you once had.


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